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Current issue

Articles of the current issue of The Library journal are available in our archive. You can also download the entire issue in PDF format.

In an inteview with digital technology consultant Nick Tanzi you can read about the possibilities of using artificial intelligence in the library environment.

Our colleagues from the National Library of Czech republic presented the results of a research aimed at identifying books with semi-leather and full-leather binding from the 19th and 20th centuries.

In one of the articles you can also read about the publication of the eighth volume of the Biographical Lexicon of Slovakia, which is the result of the project of our colleagues from the National Biographical Institute. 

About the journal

Title: Knižnica: Časopis pre knihovníctvo (The Library: Journal for librarianship)
First published: November 2000
Periodicity: quarterly
Format: online
ISSN: 1336-0965
Registration number: EV 3528/09

Knižnica journal is a professional periodical published by the Slovak National Library with a focus on librarianship, information science and related fields. The goal of the journal is to present the activities of domestic as well as foreign libraries, with regard to innovative processes, technological innovations and the improvement of library and information services. Its framework topics include:

  • current research in the library and information science field;
  • information, reading and digital literacy;
  • innovations in libraries;
  • library and information services;
  • education of librarians and information specialists;
  • methodical management of libraries;
  • bibliography;
  • biography;
  • protection of library funds.

Each paper undergo language proofreading and is published in Slovak, Czech or English, with abstracts in English. Authors can propose their paper for peer review process consisting of its qualitative evaluation made by two independent reviewers. The editors do not charge authors any fees for publishing in the journal.

More information about the requirements associated with publishing in Knižnica journal are available in the Publishing guidelines and Peer review process.