Peer review process
Authors can propose their paper for peer review consisting of its qualitative evaluation made by two independent reviewers. The reviewers are selected by the editors in cooperation with the members of the editorial board, based on their professional qualifications and affiliation to a relevant institution. The editors are responsible for the reviewers' independence from the authors and their affiliation. Authors indicate their interest in peer review in the contact form. The review process mainly concerns research papers.
The editors reserve the right to refuse to include a paper in the peer review, unless it meets its qualitative requirements. The author is aware of the potentially negative reviews, when he has the right to decide whether to leave the paper to the editors only for language proofreading, to request an evaluation of another reviewer (in this case, the editors reserve the right to publish the paper in the later issue) or not to publish the paper in the journal at all.
Peer-reviewed papers are subject to different editorial deadlines than papers solely for language proofreading.